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Mike the Boilerman -

Gas Safe Registered boiler and central heating repair technician in west Berkshire

Gledhill Electramate 2000 and A-Aclass

If your Electramate needs repairing call or text me on my mobile, 07866 766364. I have most commonly failing parts in my van and I’m happy to travel. 

The Electramate 2000 and Electramate A-Class both use off peak electricity to provide both hot water and (relatively) low cost electric central heating with radiators. I say  ’relatively’ low cost because all electric central heating is expensive to run, even when it uses off-peak cheap rate electricity. 

One of the faults an Electramate suffers from is not a breakdown at all, but failure to recognise when the off peak low cost Economy 7 electricity supply is available and to make use of it. This leads to the Electrmate being even more expensive to run.

Things to check if your Electamate won’t work:

1) Sadly if yours has stopped working, the is little for the user to check or re-set. The most common fault is complete failure of both hot water and central heating, in which case check for tripped circuit breakers in the electricity consumer unit.

2) If the hot water works but not the heating, try replacing the batteries in the room thermostat first. Few people realise the room thermostat has two AA sized batteries behind the sliding front panel and these are supposed to be replaced annually.

3) If the heating is fine but the hot water has failed or fluctuates in temperature, try turning the power to the whole unit OFF for a few seconds the ON again. The heat sensors sometimes need a re-set this way although if this works, the chances are you’ll need to do it regularly until have one or more of the sensors replaced.

If none of the above helps then there is a fault which involves taking the front cover off so unless you are technically-minded I’m afraid you’ll need to call someone like myself out. I can give you advice and/or visit if you contact me on 07866 766364.

If you are technically minded and want to go further and fix it yourself, I run the Gledhill Repairs discussion forum (opens in new tab) and a separate website specifically for the Electramate which contains a wealth of information the faults they suffer from (electramate-repairs.co.uk). You will hopefully find both useful.


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Copyright Michael Bryant 2023

Site first published 16th January 2004

Site last updated 21st November 2023

Gas Safe Register 197499, CIPHE registration number 009909L

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